
MECANPETROL produces a wide range of tanks to store liquids:
industrial water;
salted water;
crude oil;
oil products: gas-oil, petrol, gasoline, kerosene, methanol etc.
The tanks have cylindrical or parallelepiped shape, with vertical or horizontal axis.
According to the assembly position, overhead tanks (with simple walls) can be produced, or underground tanks (with double walls).
The tanks are executed in compliance with the technical instructions C220/85; STAS 6578/78, STAS 9367/73 and EN 14075.
The range of capacities for the tanks produced, according to the position of the tank axis is the following:
tank with vertical axis: 10 ÷ 2000 m3;
tank with horizontal axis:. 5 ÷ 100 m3.
The tanks are made of carbon steel plate, low/average/high alloy steel, stainless steel, plated steel.
the coat is made ring by ring, mounted by butt welding;
the covers can be straight and hardened, taper, ellipsoidal, type basket grip.
According to sizes, the tanks are supplied as finished product or mounted at the customer's location. For anticorrosive protection, the vessels are sand-blasted and coated with primers and paints suitable to the stored liquids.
According to the environment protection regulations in force regarding the storage of oil products, especially in the distribution stations, the underground location of the tanks is not allowed without the possibility of detection and retension of the stored products which could leak, as a result of corrosions or cracks that could occur during exploitation.
In order to meet these requirements, double-walled tanks were designed with 5 ÷ 100 m3 capacities, with one or more compartments, which, with the help of some devices permanently connected to the space between the two coats, signal the occurrence of a crack to one of the coats (inside or outside).
The design and execution of such tanks are made in compliance with standard SR EN 12285-1.
The tank is designed to store oil products with a density lower or equal to 1100 kg/m3.
The tanks can be buried to a 1.5 m maximum depth from the upper generator of the vessel. In order to prevent floatability in case of occurrence of underground water, the tank is anchored to the concrete foundation frame.
Use areas for tanks:
Chemical and petrochemical industry;
Food industry;
Thermal power station;
Food stations with drinking water;
PECO gas stations.